In case the sellers cannot make delivery of the contracted goods within the stipulated time, unless it is due to bona fide force majeure, the buyers shall have the right to cancel the contract and raise a claim against the sellers. 如果卖方不能在规定的期限内交付合同所订立的货物,除非是由于真正的不可抗力,买方将有权取消合同并向卖方提出索赔。
Through bona fide gains system subleasees acquiring leasing right don't exterminate the ownership of the original lessor, and the original lessor can claim compensation from sublessors 次承租人通过善意取得制度取得租赁权后并不消灭原出租人的所有权,原出租人可以向转租人主张赔偿从而保护自己的损失
To be specific, the movable properties of stolen goods should be applied to bona fide acquisition, but real estate is not applicable and the right of reply claim should not be adopted. 具体而言,赃物中的动产应适用善意取得制度,而不动产则不适用,同时指明我国赃物善意取得制度无需设立回复请求权。